October 07, 2014
When I get to work with
silk-screen printing, I did not know what it is. So I decided that I will not
only learn a new technique, but I will also do something totally different as I
ever did before.
This time I set up
well defined rules: I will create something with urban landscape and
photographs by using the least different colours.
It looks like the
rules were not so foreign to me, because soon I came up with an idea to create new
spaces by composing several linear perspective points in one picture. I began to
simplify the photos taken in Vilnius and Munich only to their contours, which
lead observers’ eyes to the vanishing point.
I took six different
photos and used them in screen printing. I don’t know how many sheets of paper
I used. I simply tried and tried one layer on the other and I kept doing
that like there was no ending. Basically I did not think what is happening I
simply let my mind and my hand lead me. My goal was to try so many different
variations with those six photographs as possible and to see how it works out.
Sometimes I made maybe ten or twenty different layers a piece, sometimes I made
only two and both of them looked amazing. And sometimes both looked so terrible
that I threw them away without a doubt.
To sum up, I relied
strictly to my rules. People just play a minor role in these pictures; the main
theme is about perspectives. I also used
mostly black and white, and a wide range of shades of grey. At some pieces I also used some red and
maroon, but I actually prefer the black/white ones. I accomplished what I wanted to reach, I
learned something about silk-screen printing and I utilised photos, what I had never done
before. I experienced the joy working
with urban spaces and understood how many possibilities I have when I work this
way. In the end, I am totally happy with
my work; not only that I did not expect
that it went so well but it was also fun to explore new possibilities that I
have never imagined before – despite of all these restrictions.
VILNIUS & MUNICH, 60 pieces, 29,7x42cm, 2014, Berlin